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Welcome to the Build Your Brand Story blog: THE place for coaches, consultants and service businesses to get information, resources and inspiration – so you can speak and write with confidence and clarity and attract your ideal clients with ease.
Your ideal clients want to know, like and trust you before they’ll sign up to work with you. You know you need to give them a compelling reason to work with you but where do you start?
  • What do you write on your website?
  • How do you convey the massive benefits clients get from working with you?
  • How do you show your personality but stay professional?
  • How do you pick the right language that sounds like you?
  • What do you say in those two-minute networking intros?
Knowing what to say and write can be overwhelming. A few professional tips can make all the difference so I’ve created this blog to help you. I’m Lucy Eckley and I have two decades of experience in marketing and communications. A few years ago, I left my safe corporate job and set up my own successful communications consultancy. Today, I’m on a mission to help business owners and leaders create their unique brand story, so they can attract their ideal clients and build a business and a life that they love.

Sharing my experience with you

I’ll be sharing regular tips from my experience as a communications professional and business owner, including:

  • How to use your personality, passion and purpose to attract your ideal clients, associates and employees
  • What a brand story is and how it will help you to stand out from your competitors
  • How to create a simple framework you can use to speak and write clearly and confidently about your business
  • How to share valuable content even if you think you haven’t got anything interesting to say
  • How to find time and headspace for marketing when you’ve got 101 other priorities.

Here are a few posts you might want to check out:

From time to time, I’ll also write about some of my personal experiences and passions:

  • My transition from employee to consultant and business owner / entrepreneur
  • Flexible and remote working – I passionately believe that people do their best work when they’re treated as individuals and allowed to work where and when suits them best. I’m determined to shake up the status quo and get more businesses and employers on board with this way of thinking.
  • Travel, food and location independent business – travelling and exploring new cultures and countries makes me come alive. My goal is to build a location-independent business, so I can work from anywhere in the world.

Share the love

Do you know someone that could benefit from these resources and inspiration? Please help them by sharing my blog with them. This page has some cool social sharing buttons to make this really easy. Or of course you can just copy and paste the link and send it to them by good old email.

How can I help YOU?

What is holding you back from speaking and writing about your business? What do you struggle with? And what tips would you like to share with other people running service-based businesses? This blog is for YOU and I want to help you. Please leave your questions and comments below and I will do my best to answer them in future posts.
Let’s get your brand story started!