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How to build your brand story and work with your dream clients

How to build your brand story and work with your dream clients

To build and grow your successful service or consultancy-based business, you want to attract a steady stream of your ideal clients – so you can generate regular revenue and also so you can do your best work, and enjoy doing it every day. The question is, how do...
Is your lack of consistency turning your customers away?

Is your lack of consistency turning your customers away?

Have you ever grabbed a coffee in an unfamiliar town from Starbucks rather than from an independent café? What influenced your decision? Probably the fact that you knew exactly what you were going to get. It’s the same as buying clothes from your favourite fashion...
Are you speaking your client’s language?

Are you speaking your client’s language?

You speak to your customers and potential customers every day. In person, via email, on your website, on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. But how can you be sure that what you’re saying actually strikes a chord with them? You know who your ideal clients are (if...
Why it’s more than ok to be you in your business

Why it’s more than ok to be you in your business

This week I’m writing about something I’m especially passionate about. I believe that everyone has a right to be themselves in their business. As business owners, we’re privileged – we no longer have to follow other people’s rules to fit in. No more...

Four simple steps to working with more of your ideal clients

To build a successful service-based business, you need a steady stream of ideal clients who really benefit from your work together and who you love working with every day. But when you’re trying to attract clients to your business, especially when you’re starting out,...

Why even the smallest business needs a brand

What’s your favourite brand? When I ask this question, people often say Apple, Coke or Google. These brands are all around us everyday but this helps create a myth that establishing a brand presence is expensive, all about a flashy logo and something that only that...