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People do business with people. They want to know, like and trust you, before they buy from you, especially if they’ll be working with you in person. A consistent brand story helps them to do that.

What is a brand story?

Your brand story helps your potential clients get to know the human face(s) behind your business and make a connection with you.

Your brand story helps your ideal clients get to know, like and trust you. Click To Tweet

It tells people:

  • Who you are – your personality, your experience and the most relevant parts of your back story or how you ended up where you are now
  • Why your business exists – what your values are and what you stand for
  • How you help people – how you work and the outcomes that people get from working with you.
  • What makes you different – why people should choose to work with you rather than someone else.

Why do I need a brand story?

Building a unique and consistent brand story:

  • Helps you to stand out from your competitors – no one wants to be ‘just another…(insert name of your profession or industry)’.
  • Makes you memorable – share a little of your story and people will remember you as ‘the person who…’
  • Helps your ideal clients to identify with you – people want to recognise a little of themselves in you so they know you’ll get along.
  • Helps people know what to expect from you and feel like they know you before they even meet you
  • Gives you a framework to use every time you speak or write about your business – from a two-minute intro at networking events to a full keynote speech, and from a Twitter update through to your whole website.

Building your brand story takes some thought and planning but it’s well worth it. It will help you to stand out from the crowd and attract more of the ideal clients that you want to work with every day.

Image credit: Alejandro Escamilla via Unsplash