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What if there was one simple secret to successful marketing?

Last week I was invited to be on a Question Time style panel at a local networking event. The first question that came my way was “Is there a “golden shot” marketing thing you can do? ie if there’s one thing to do, this is it”. I think that lots of...

How to work on your own without driving yourself crazy

Do you remember when you first dreamt of starting your business? Fantasising about the day when you no longer had to drag yourself to work on a wet Monday morning. No more office politics. No more “did you see X Factor at the weekend?” when that’s your worst nightmare...

7 simple steps to banish overwhelm and tame your to do list

You know that hideous “I have so much to do it’s making my head spin” feeling. When the sheer thought of looking at your to-do list makes you feel a little bit sick…and frankly you’d really just like to crawl back under the covers and forget about it all. The thing...

What training for a 5k run can teach us about marketing

I’m training for a 5K run at the moment. I do it every year to give myself a goal to work to and to prove I can still do it. The thing is that although I exercise the rest of the year, I’m not really a runner. So I need a training plan to get me ready....

5 easy steps to kick start your small business marketing

As a small business owner you’re so busy juggling different tasks that your marketing activities often don’t make it to the top of your to-do list. I meet so many amazing people with great ideas to promote their business. But often these ideas don’t get implemented...