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Have you ever noticed that when you write about your business you stop sounding like you? You start overthinking, using long words and writing sentences that go on forever!

You’re not alone. Many business owners spend time and money on fonts, colours and logos. But they pay less attention to what they say and how they say it. Yet nailing the language is every bit as important in building a brand that stands out.

In this episode, I’m exploring how you can develop a unique tone of voice that expresses your personality. If you’re wondering how to find your voice so you can show up as an expert and a leader, this episode is for you.

You will learn:

  • How to connect with your audience
  • How to write like you speak
  • Why using jargon doesn’t make you clever
  • What to do if you hate writing

Plus, how you can:

  • Use your independent voice with clients
  • Share authentic content from the heart
  • Help other people to find their voice

 Resources mentioned in this episode:

Want to start creating your own compelling brand story? Join my FREE 7-day email mini course.