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Being extroverted is not about being the loudest person in the room. I’m an only child. I didn’t have siblings to fight for air time. I would have been described as quiet, even reserved, in group situations. But I always craved the opportunity to be around other people. The more I have learned about myself in business and in life, I have realised that I have an extroverted personality. That means that I get my energy and inspiration from being around people.

Being extroverted is not about being the loudest person in the room. Click To Tweet

My friends who know this are often amazed that I enjoy running a business on my own.

Here are my coping tactics:

How to love working on your own as an extrovert

    1. Design your business model around your personality – Some of your work will involve spending time alone (planning, admin, blogging etc) so balance it out with working in clients’ offices, holding face-to-face meetings and running group events.
    2. Work to a model diary –  Designing how you spend each day of the week makes sure you get the right balance of people time, and helps you do energising/draining tasks at the right time for you.
    3. Get a support network – This is especially important for extroverts. We think out loud. We can be creative on our own but things really start to happen when we talk through things with other people.
    4. Book time in a coworking space or get some friends round for some home-working.
    5. Schedule video calls – If you can’t leave the office, break up your solitude with client calls or book a ‘virtual coffee’ with someone you met networking.
    6. Have some fun – Make time for coffee chats with friends or an energising exercise class.
    7. Go to events – But be aware they will make you buzz so don’t plan to do much detailed work (or sleep) after them.
    8. Hire people to do the admin stuff you hate – Outsource activities you find draining and use technology to free your time for things that are more energising/revenue generating.
    9. Leave the house – When your motivation levels fall so low that you don’t feel like doing anything, that’s when you most need to get out and re-energise.
    10. Remember you need quiet time too – Don’t pack your schedule so full that you’re exhausted or rushing headlong into holidays etc – I’ve been there, done that!

Does this resonate with you or do you thrive on time alone? I’d love to hear your experiences. Share your thoughts in the comments below.

Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash