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Your about page is one of the most important pages on your website. It’s also the page you put off because you don’t like writing about yourself. It doesn’t have to be hard. In this post I show you how you can quickly and easily write the about page for your independent consulting business.

You can also download my FREE about page template to make it even easier.

Your about page is one of the most important pages on your website Click To Tweet

10 simple steps to creating an about page that connects with your ideal clients

1. It’s not all about you

You’ll be relieved to discover that your about page isn’t actually all about you! Your potential clients want to know more about you, of course, but only in the context of how you can help them. Most people make the mistake of jumping straight into their about page talking about themselves. Instead, you need to start by showing that you understand your audience and the challenges they are facing. Asking them a few questions about how they’re currently feeling and what they want to achieve is a great way to do this.

2. Show how you help people

Once you’ve demonstrated that you ‘get’ people’s current situation, then it’s time to explain clearly and simply how you help people like them. Focus on the tangible outcomes that clients get from working with you. At this stage you don’t need to go into great detail about how you produce the results. Your potential clients are simply keen to know that you can help.

3. Share your back story

Your clients want to know about you as a person. They’re interested in how you got to where you are now. Show how your life and career experience enables you to help them. If you’ve been through the same challenges they’re facing, share this. It gives people hope that they can also overcome the problem and it positions you as the ideal expert to help them.

4. Make it conversational

Have you ever notice that something happens when you write about your business? You think you need to be formal so you start using long sentences and complicated words. Keep the language on your about page simple – it should sound like you speak. Avoid acronyms and industry jargon.
You’ll be relieved to discover that your about page isn’t actually all about you! Click To Tweet

5. Keep it brief

Most people will skim-read your about page, at least the first time. Make sure all the information is relevant to your ideal client – it’s not your life story! Use subheadings and bullets so it’s easy to digest.

6. Be authentic

Don’t be tempted to make your business sound bigger than it is by using ‘we’ instead of ‘I’. If your business is only you, this is something to be proud of. It also makes it easier to write naturally and show your personality.

7. Include a photo of you

Your about page is all about building trust. It might sound obvious but a photo shows you exist as a real person and helps people start to feel they know you. Use a professionally-taken photo that shows the ‘real you.’ Out with the dull corporate pics taken against a white background!

8. Give your page a clear ‘call to action’

Once you’ve captured people’s attention, they need one clear action to take to get to know you better. This could be to book a consultation, read a popular blog post or download a free guide that shows your expertise.

9. Don’t procrastinate

Your about page can’t start working for you until it’s live on your website! It doesn’t have to be perfect before you hit publish. The beauty of online content is that you can update it as you and your business evolve.

10. Ask for feedback

Asking people whether your message hits the spot can be nerve-wracking but it’s the best way to improve it. Just make sure you’re asking people who fit your ideal client profile. Existing clients that know you well are great for this – they’ve experienced your solutions first hand and will point out elements that you leave out as you think they’re too obvious!

Next steps…over to you

Your potential clients want to get to know you before they work with you. Your about page is a golden opportunity to position yourself as the ideal person to help them. And to stand out from other consultants who offer similar services to you.

Do you want to get started on your own about page? Download my FREE about page template for:

  • A summary of these 10 steps you can print and keep
  • A template you can use to write your about page quickly and easily in 30 minutes or less.

Download your copy here. Then it’s time to get writing – good luck!